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Save time, get paid, all in one delivery app.

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How It Works
One app, two solutions:
Save the time and hassle of going back-and-forth, get goods delivered to you.
With the same app, you can also get paid to deliver near you.

Need something delivered?

Get anything delivered from the store to your door, even last minute.

Get paid for on-the-way deliveries

Pick up goods near you to earn extra income.

Things You'll Love About Roo

  • By the community, for the community
  • Stay home, stay safe, use Roo to deliver to you
  • Fast, Economical, Ecological
  • Convenient: Save the time of going back and forth
  • Earn money full-time, part-time, anytime!

About Us

Being a Maritime based company, we understand some of the hassles associated to rural living. We believe that our on-the-way delivery platform is not only conveniently fast, but also economical and ecological.

Our app allows your neighbours to pickup and deliver to you. You can also get paid to deliver to your neighbours too.

We designed Roo to be useful for you. From local stores to local doors, Roo delivers to you.
